Fork 0
Kurt Van Dijck 72a5e52a35
slstatus: add cpu_iowait
This commit introduces the cpu_iowait item, this is the percentage
of cpu time spent waiting on disks. High numbers typically indicate
that your system is not responsive due to disk IO.
This commit also avoid sleeping inside the cpu_perc and cpu_iowait
functions: waiting in either one implies lost info for the other.

Signed-off-by: Kurt Van Dijck <dev.kurt@vandijck-laurijssen.be>
2017-09-16 13:46:40 +02:00

58 lines
2.8 KiB

/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
/* interval between updates (in ms) */
static const int interval = 1000;
/* text to show if no value can be retrieved */
static const char unknown_str[] = "n/a";
/* maximum output string length */
#define MAXLEN 2048
* function description argument
* battery_perc battery percentage battery name
* battery_power battery power usage battery name
* battery_state battery charging state battery name
* cpu_perc cpu usage in percent NULL
* cpu_iowait cpu iowait in percent NULL
* cpu_freq cpu frequency in MHz NULL
* datetime date and time format string
* disk_free free disk space in GB mountpoint path
* disk_perc disk usage in percent mountpoint path
* disk_total total disk space in GB mountpoint path
* disk_used used disk space in GB mountpoint path
* entropy available entropy NULL
* gid GID of current user NULL
* hostname hostname NULL
* ipv4 IPv4 address interface name
* ipv6 IPv6 address interface name
* kernel_release `uname -r` NULL
* keyboard_indicators caps/num lock indicators NULL
* load_avg load average format string
* num_files number of files in a directory path
* ram_free free memory in GB NULL
* ram_perc memory usage in percent NULL
* ram_total total memory size in GB NULL
* ram_used used memory in GB NULL
* run_command custom shell command command
* swap_free free swap in GB NULL
* swap_perc swap usage in percent NULL
* swap_total total swap size in GB NULL
* swap_used used swap in GB NULL
* temp temperature in degree celsius sensor file
* uid UID of current user NULL
* uptime system uptime NULL
* username username of current user NULL
* vol_perc OSS/ALSA volume in percent "/dev/mixer"
* wifi_perc WiFi signal in percent interface name
* wifi_essid WiFi ESSID interface name
static const struct arg args[] = {
/* function format argument */
{ cpu_perc, "[CPU %3s%%] ", NULL },
{ ram_perc, "[RAM %2s%%] ", NULL },
{ datetime, "[ %s ]", "%F %T" },