/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include "../slstatus.h" #include "../util.h" #if defined(__linux__) static int get_swap_info(long *s_total, long *s_free, long *s_cached) { FILE *fp; struct { const char *name; const size_t len; long *var; } ent[] = { { "SwapTotal", sizeof("SwapTotal") - 1, s_total }, { "SwapFree", sizeof("SwapFree") - 1, s_free }, { "SwapCached", sizeof("SwapCached") - 1, s_cached }, }; size_t line_len = 0, i, left; char *line = NULL; /* get number of fields we want to extract */ for (i = 0, left = 0; i < LEN(ent); i++) if (ent[i].var) left++; if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r"))) { warn("fopen '/proc/meminfo':"); return 1; } /* read file line by line and extract field information */ while (left > 0 && getline(&line, &line_len, fp) >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < LEN(ent); i++) { if (ent[i].var && !strncmp(line, ent[i].name, ent[i].len)) { sscanf(line + ent[i].len + 1, "%ld kB\n", ent[i].var); left--; break; } } } free(line); if (ferror(fp)) { warn("getline '/proc/meminfo':"); return 1; } fclose(fp); return 0; } const char * swap_free(const char *unused) { long free; if (get_swap_info(NULL, &free, NULL)) return NULL; return fmt_human(free * 1024, 1024); } const char * swap_perc(const char *unused) { long total, free, cached; if (get_swap_info(&total, &free, &cached) || total == 0) return NULL; return bprintf("%d", 100 * (total - free - cached) / total); } const char * swap_total(const char *unused) { long total; if (get_swap_info(&total, NULL, NULL)) return NULL; return fmt_human(total * 1024, 1024); } const char * swap_used(const char *unused) { long total, free, cached; if (get_swap_info(&total, &free, &cached)) return NULL; return fmt_human((total - free - cached) * 1024, 1024); } #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) #include #include #include #include static int getstats(int *total, int *used) { struct swapent *sep, *fsep; int rnswap, nswap, i; if ((nswap = swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP, 0, 0)) < 1) { warn("swaptctl 'SWAP_NSWAP':"); return 1; } if (!(fsep = sep = calloc(nswap, sizeof(*sep)))) { warn("calloc 'nswap':"); return 1; } if ((rnswap = swapctl(SWAP_STATS, (void *)sep, nswap)) < 0) { warn("swapctl 'SWAP_STATA':"); return 1; } if (nswap != rnswap) { warn("getstats: SWAP_STATS != SWAP_NSWAP"); return 1; } *total = 0; *used = 0; for (i = 0; i < rnswap; i++) { *total += sep->se_nblks >> 1; *used += sep->se_inuse >> 1; } free(fsep); return 0; } const char * swap_free(const char *unused) { int total, used; if (getstats(&total, &used)) return NULL; return fmt_human((total - used) * 1024, 1024); } const char * swap_perc(const char *unused) { int total, used; if (getstats(&total, &used)) return NULL; if (total == 0) return NULL; return bprintf("%d", 100 * used / total); } const char * swap_total(const char *unused) { int total, used; if (getstats(&total, &used)) return NULL; return fmt_human(total * 1024, 1024); } const char * swap_used(const char *unused) { int total, used; if (getstats(&total, &used)) return NULL; return fmt_human(used * 1024, 1024); } #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) #include #include #include #include #include static int getswapinfo(struct kvm_swap *swap_info, size_t size) { kvm_t *kd; kd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, "/dev/null", NULL, 0, NULL); if (kd == NULL) { warn("kvm_openfiles '/dev/null':"); return 0; } if(kvm_getswapinfo(kd, swap_info, size, 0 /* Unused flags */) == -1) { warn("kvm_getswapinfo:"); kvm_close(kd); return 0; } kvm_close(kd); return 1; } const char * swap_free(const char *unused) { struct kvm_swap swap_info[1]; long used, total; if (!getswapinfo(swap_info, 1)) return NULL; total = swap_info[0].ksw_total; used = swap_info[0].ksw_used; return fmt_human((total - used) * getpagesize(), 1024); } const char * swap_perc(const char *unused) { struct kvm_swap swap_info[1]; long used, total; if (!getswapinfo(swap_info, 1)) return NULL; total = swap_info[0].ksw_total; used = swap_info[0].ksw_used; return bprintf("%d", used * 100 / total); } const char * swap_total(const char *unused) { struct kvm_swap swap_info[1]; long total; if (!getswapinfo(swap_info, 1)) return NULL; total = swap_info[0].ksw_total; return fmt_human(total * getpagesize(), 1024); } const char * swap_used(const char *unused) { struct kvm_swap swap_info[1]; long used; if (!getswapinfo(swap_info, 1)) return NULL; used = swap_info[0].ksw_used; return fmt_human(used * getpagesize(), 1024); } #endif