Jarkko Toivanen jt
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-10 01:12:41 +03:00
ffc735af3b No screen offing
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-08 23:25:03 +03:00
ebff722d80 Trezord
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-08 00:56:36 +03:00
82e4691f0a Let's make music
4cf98c2a29 SQLite didn't fix emacs
4f58ae813d Virtualization stuff
71c84f84fb GVFS enable
Compare 4 commits »
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-07 06:25:34 +03:00
b7f27dc241 Moar virtualizationnnnnn
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-05 04:27:36 +03:00
38155c6f55 Adding keyboard stuff to NixOS
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-05 04:23:27 +03:00
313c13dc19 Keyboard stuff fixed
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-05 04:21:51 +03:00
7784b98cad No fancy autostart
jt deleted branch glassTTY from jt/conf 2023-05-05 04:16:30 +03:00
jt deleted branch testbranch from jt/conf 2023-05-05 04:16:26 +03:00
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-05 04:15:25 +03:00
7699caadef Merge branch 'trunk' of jakest.us:jt/conf into trunk
c2b60f3eec Dunst stuff
Compare 2 commits »
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-05 04:06:33 +03:00
45fdd89892 Keyboard stuff
jt pushed to testbranch at jt/conf 2023-05-04 21:23:57 +03:00
d3529ff1ef No fancy autostart
jt created branch testbranch in jt/conf 2023-05-04 21:21:00 +03:00
jt pushed to testbranch at jt/conf 2023-05-04 21:21:00 +03:00
d28db6d44a Dunst Monokai. First test.
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-04 01:38:27 +03:00
65c9359ea9 Mumbling
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-04 01:00:21 +03:00
c99f17985a Moar browsing, Bravely
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-04 00:31:21 +03:00
b7f95ed410 No automatic Nheco
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-03 01:09:26 +03:00
987f8e87d0 Re-enable i3 stacking/tabbing
jt pushed to trunk at jt/conf 2023-05-03 00:44:17 +03:00
82d54b5134 Cleaning up
jt created branch glassTTY in jt/conf 2023-05-03 00:09:52 +03:00