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2025-01-24 05:13:48 +02:00
# Cheatsheet
My chosen modification key is ++win++/++super++.
Many functions have multiple shortcuts because every day is different.
I might have forgotten something but [`config.h`](
is pretty human-readable.
## Standard keys
| Key combination(s) | Action |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| ++win+d++<br>++win+space++<br>++alt+space++<br>++win+p++ | Drun |
| ++ctrl+alt+t++<br>++win+shift+enter++ | Terminal |
| ++alt+f4++<br>++win+q++ | Close window |
| ++win+up++<br>++win+down++ | Focuse next/previous window |
| ++win+enter++ | Swap window from/to master |
| ++win+left++<br>++win+right++ | Increase/Decrease master capacity |
| ++win+shift+left++<br>++win+shift+right++ | Resize master/stack |
| ++win+shift+q++ | Quit DWM |
## Workspaces and monitors
| Key combination | Action |
| -------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `Win`+ `1-9` | Focus workspace |
| `Win`+ `Shift`+`1-9` | Move window to workspace |
| `Win`+`,/.` | Focus left/right monitor |
| `Win`+`Shift`+`,/.` | Move window to left/right monitor |
| `Win`+`0` | Show all workspaces |
| `Win`+`Shift`+`0` | Show window in all workspaces |
## Media controls
In addition to supporting standard volume and mediacontrols
following shortcuts have been configured. You know,
not every keyboard has these keys and it sucks!
| Hotkey | Action |
| ----------- | ---------- |
| ++win+f5++ | Previous |
| ++win+f6++ | Next |
| ++win+f7++ | Play/Pause |
| ++win+f8++ | Stop |
| ++win+f9++ | Mute |
| ++win+f10++ | Vol Down |
| ++win+f11++ | Vol Up |
## Floaty stuff
| Shortcut | Action |
| ------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| ++win+shift+space++<br>++win++ + `Mouse3` | Toggle window floating |
| ++win++ + `Mouse1 Drag` | Move window |
| ++win++ + `Mouse2 Drag` | Resize window |