690 lines
37 KiB
690 lines
37 KiB
;; .yas-setup.el for html-mode
(defvar yas/html-default-tag "p")
(defvar yas/html-xhtml-attr "")
(defvar yas/html-just-like-tm nil
"Html-mode snippets behave as close to TextMate as possible.")
(defun yas/html-activate ()
(add-to-list (make-local-variable 'yas/mode-symbol) 'html-mode))
(add-hook 'nxml-mode-hook 'yas/html-activate)
(add-hook 'rhtml-mode-hook 'yas/html-activate)
(defun yas/html-remove-preceding-word ()
(let (word-begin
(line-beginning-position (line-beginning-position))
(orig-point (point))
(when (and (forward-word -1)
(setq word-begin (point))
(forward-word 1)
(setq word-end (point))
(< word-begin orig-point)
(>= word-end orig-point)
(<= (line-beginning-position) word-begin)
;; (not (string-match "^[\s\t]+$" " "))
(setq retval
(buffer-substring-no-properties word-begin orig-point)
(buffer-substring-no-properties word-end orig-point)))
(delete-region word-begin word-end)
(defun yas/html-first-word (string)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\\W.*" "" string))
(defun yas/html-insert-tag-pair-snippet ()
(let* ((tag-and-suffix (or (and yas/selected-text
(cons yas/selected-text nil))
(tag (car tag-and-suffix))
(suffix (or (cdr tag-and-suffix) ""))
(single-no-arg "\\(br\\|hr\\)")
(single "\\(img\\|meta\\|link\\|input\\|base\\|area\\|col\\|frame\\|param\\)"))
(cond ((null tag)
(yas/expand-snippet (format "<${1:%s}>%s</${1:$(yas/html-first-word yas/text)}>%s"
(or yas/html-default-tag
(if yas/html-just-like-tm "$2" "$0")
((string-match single-no-arg tag)
(insert (format "<%s%s/>%s" tag yas/html-xhtml-attr suffix)))
((string-match single tag)
(yas/expand-snippet (format "<%s $1%s/>%s" tag yas/html-xhtml-attr suffix)))
(yas/expand-snippet (format "<%s>%s</%s>%s"
(if yas/html-just-like-tm "$1" "$0")
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\\W.*" "" tag)
(defun yas/html-wrap-each-line-in-openclose-tag ()
(let* ((mirror "${1:$(yas/html-first-word yas/text)}")
(yas/html-wrap-newline (when (string-match "\n" yas/selected-text) "\n"))
(template (concat (format "<${1:%s}>" (or yas/html-default-tag "p"))
"</" mirror ">")))
(setq template (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" (concat "</" mirror ">\n<$1>") template))
(yas/expand-snippet template)))
(defun yas/html-toggle-wrap (string wrap)
(or (and string
(string-match (format "<%s>\\(.*\\)</%s>" wrap wrap)
(match-string 1 string))
(concat wrap string wrap)))
(defun yas/html-between-tag-pair-p ()
(looking-at "\\\w+></\\\w+>")))
(defun yas/html-id-from-string (string)
(replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" (downcase string)))
(defun yas/html-tidy ()
(let ((start (or (and mark-active
(end (or (and mark-active
(orig (point))
(orig-line (count-screen-lines (window-start) (line-beginning-position))))
(shell-command-on-region start end "tidy" (current-buffer) t (get-buffer-create "*tidy errors*") t)
(goto-char (min (point-max) orig))
(recenter (1- orig-line))))
(defun yas/html-tag-description ()
(let* ((tag-at-point (sgml-beginning-of-tag))
(fragment (and tag-at-point
(aget yas/html-tag-description-urls (upcase tag-at-point)))))
(if fragment
(browse-url (concat "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/index/"
(if tag-at-point
(message "No documentation for " tag-at-point)
(message "Not on a HTML tag.")))))
(defvar yas/html-tag-description-urls
'(("A" . "../struct/links.html#edef-A")
("ABBR" . "../struct/text.html#edef-ABBR")
("ACRONYM" . "../struct/text.html#edef-ACRONYM")
("ADDRESS" . "../struct/global.html#edef-ADDRESS")
("APPLET" . "../struct/objects.html#edef-APPLET")
("AREA" . "../struct/objects.html#edef-AREA")
("B" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-B")
("BASE" . "../struct/links.html#edef-BASE")
("BASEFONT" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-BASEFONT")
("BDO" . "../struct/dirlang.html#edef-BDO")
("BIG" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-BIG")
("BLOCKQUOTE" . "../struct/text.html#edef-BLOCKQUOTE")
("BODY" . "../struct/global.html#edef-BODY")
("BR" . "../struct/text.html#edef-BR")
("BUTTON" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-BUTTON")
("CAPTION" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-CAPTION")
("CENTER" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-CENTER")
("CITE" . "../struct/text.html#edef-CITE")
("CODE" . "../struct/text.html#edef-CODE")
("COL" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-COL")
("COLGROUP" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-COLGROUP")
("DD" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-DD")
("DEL" . "../struct/text.html#edef-del")
("DFN" . "../struct/text.html#edef-DFN")
("DIR" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-DIR")
("DIV" . "../struct/global.html#edef-DIV")
("DL" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-DL")
("DT" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-DT")
("EM" . "../struct/text.html#edef-EM")
("FIELDSET" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-FIELDSET")
("FONT" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-FONT")
("FORM" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-FORM")
("FRAME" . "../present/frames.html#edef-FRAME")
("FRAMESET" . "../present/frames.html#edef-FRAMESET")
("H1" . "../struct/global.html#edef-H1")
("H2" . "../struct/global.html#edef-H2")
("H3" . "../struct/global.html#edef-H3")
("H4" . "../struct/global.html#edef-H4")
("H5" . "../struct/global.html#edef-H5")
("H6" . "../struct/global.html#edef-H6")
("HEAD" . "../struct/global.html#edef-HEAD")
("HR" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-HR")
("HTML" . "../struct/global.html#edef-HTML")
("I" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-I")
("IFRAME" . "../present/frames.html#edef-IFRAME")
("IMG" . "../struct/objects.html#edef-IMG")
("INPUT" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-INPUT")
("INS" . "../struct/text.html#edef-ins")
("ISINDEX" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-ISINDEX")
("KBD" . "../struct/text.html#edef-KBD")
("LABEL" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-LABEL")
("LEGEND" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-LEGEND")
("LI" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-LI")
("LINK" . "../struct/links.html#edef-LINK")
("MAP" . "../struct/objects.html#edef-MAP")
("MENU" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-MENU")
("META" . "../struct/global.html#edef-META")
("NOFRAMES" . "../present/frames.html#edef-NOFRAMES")
("NOSCRIPT" . "../interact/scripts.html#edef-NOSCRIPT")
("OBJECT" . "../struct/objects.html#edef-OBJECT")
("OL" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-OL")
("OPTGROUP" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-OPTGROUP")
("OPTION" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-OPTION")
("P" . "../struct/text.html#edef-P")
("PARAM" . "../struct/objects.html#edef-PARAM")
("PRE" . "../struct/text.html#edef-PRE")
("Q" . "../struct/text.html#edef-Q")
("S" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-S")
("SAMP" . "../struct/text.html#edef-SAMP")
("SCRIPT" . "../interact/scripts.html#edef-SCRIPT")
("SELECT" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-SELECT")
("SMALL" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-SMALL")
("SPAN" . "../struct/global.html#edef-SPAN")
("STRIKE" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-STRIKE")
("STRONG" . "../struct/text.html#edef-STRONG")
("STYLE" . "../present/styles.html#edef-STYLE")
("SUB" . "../struct/text.html#edef-SUB")
("SUP" . "../struct/text.html#edef-SUP")
("TABLE" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-TABLE")
("TBODY" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-TBODY")
("TD" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-TD")
("TEXTAREA" . "../interact/forms.html#edef-TEXTAREA")
("TFOOT" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-TFOOT")
("TH" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-TH")
("THEAD" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-THEAD")
("TITLE" . "../struct/global.html#edef-TITLE")
("TR" . "../struct/tables.html#edef-TR")
("TT" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-TT")
("U" . "../present/graphics.html#edef-U")
("UL" . "../struct/lists.html#edef-UL")
("VAR" . "../struct/text.html#edef-VAR")))
;; Substitutions for: content
;; # as in Snippets/Emphasize.yasnippet
;; ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/\A<em>(.*)<\/em>\z|.*/(?1:$1:<em>$0<\/em>)/m} =yyas> `(yas/html-toggle-wrap yas/selected-text "em")`
;; ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/\A<strong>(.*)<\/strong>\z|.*/(?1:$1:<strong>$0<\/strong>)/m} =yyas> `(yas/html-toggle-wrap yas/selected-text "strong")`
;; ${1/\s.*//} =yyas> ${1:$(replace-regexp-in-string "[\s\t\n].*" "" yas/text)}
;; ${1/[[:alpha:]]+|( )/(?1:_:\L$0)/g} =yyas> ${1:$(replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" (downcase yas/text))}
;; ${TM_XHTML} =yyas> `yas/html-xhtml-attr`
;; # as in Commands/Preview in All Active Browsers.yasnippet
;; 970EE6B4-A091-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28 =yyas> (browse-url-of-buffer)
;; 637CEA2B-578C-429C-BB74-30E8D42BFA22 =yyas> (yas/html-tag-description)
;; 2ED44A32-C353-447F-BAE4-E3522DB6944D =yyas> (yas/html-insert-tag-pair-snippet)
;; 991E7EBD-F3F5-469A-BA01-DC30E04AD472 =yyas> (yas/html-wrap-each-line-in-openclose-tag)
;; Substitutions for: binding
;; # as in Snippets/Strong.yasnippet
;; @b =yyas> s-b
;; # as in Snippets/Emphasize.yasnippet
;; ^@i =yyas>
;; @i =yyas> s-i
;; # as in Snippets/Wrap Selection In Tag.yasnippet
;; ^W =yyas> C-c M-w
;; # as in Commands/Insert Tag Pair.yasnippet
;; ^< =yyas> C-<
;; # as in Commands/Documentation for Tag.yasnippet
;; ^h =yyas> C-c M-h
;; # as in Commands/Wrap Each Selected Line in OpenClose Tag.yasnippet
;; ^@W =yyas> C-c M-W
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML   NonBreakingSpace.yasnippet
;; ~ =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Insert Entity.yasnippet
;; @& =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Refresh All Active Browsers.yasnippet
;; @r =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Persistent Include.yasnippet
;; ^@i =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/CodeCompletion HTML Tags.yasnippet
;; ~ =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Update Includes.yasnippet
;; ^@u =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Macros/Delete whitespace between tags.yasnippet
;; ^~ =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Tidy.yasnippet
;; ^H =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; --**--
;; Automatically generated code, do not edit this part
;; Translated menu
(yas/define-menu 'html-mode
'(;; Documentation for Tag
(yas/item "637CEA2B-578C-429C-BB74-30E8D42BFA22")
;; Ignoring Validate Syntax (W3C)
(yas/ignore-item "3F26240E-6E4A-11D9-B411-000D93589AF6")
;; Open Document in Running Browser(s)
(yas/item "970EE6B4-A091-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Ignoring Refresh Running Browser(s)
(yas/ignore-item "B8651C6E-A05E-11D9-86AC-000D93C8BE28")
(yas/submenu "Entities"
(;; Ignoring Convert Character / Selection to Entities
(yas/ignore-item "3DD8406C-A116-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Ignoring Convert Character / Selection to Entities Excl. Tags
(yas/ignore-item "43C9E8AE-3E53-4B82-A1AF-56697BB3EF09")
;; Ignoring Decode Entities in Line / Selection
(yas/ignore-item "C183920D-A126-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Non-Breaking Space
(yas/item "73B40BAE-A295-11D9-87F7-000D93C8BE28")
;; →
(yas/item "C70BB693-0954-4440-AEB4-F2ADD6D923F0")
;; ←
(yas/item "C0418A4A-7E42-4D49-8F86-6E339296CB84")
;; ⇤
(yas/item "7F102705-27D8-4029-BF61-2F042FB61E06")
;; ⌅
(yas/item "7062316B-4236-4793-AD35-05E4A6577393")
;; ⌃
(yas/item "B4987DA5-9C2F-4D2D-AC14-678115079205")
;; ⌦
(yas/item "44E448B6-37CE-4BFE-8611-C5113593B74B")
;; ↩
(yas/item "9B216475-D73D-4518-851F-CACD0066A909")
;; ⇥
(yas/item "ADC78A82-40C2-4AAC-8968-93AF0ED98DF0")
;; ⌫
(yas/item "38E50882-27AF-4246-A039-355C3E1A699E")
;; ⌘
(yas/item "7214ACD1-93D9-4D3F-A428-8A7302E0A35E")
;; ↓
(yas/item "35654B4E-2D76-4CD3-8FBB-2DA1F314BA19")
;; →
(yas/item "AC15621A-8A16-40DD-A671-EA4C37637215")
;; ↑
(yas/item "0E2F4A47-EADE-4A05-931E-FC874FA28FC3")
;; ⇧
(yas/item "1B8D58B9-D9DB-484C-AACD-5D5DF5385308")
;; ⎋
(yas/item "D7CC7C7C-CD01-4357-AF91-AEFFD914DF98")
;; ⌥
(yas/item "980A8D39-CA8B-4EC2-9739-DC36A262F28E")
;; Ignoring Insert Entity…
(yas/ignore-item "89E5CC0A-3EFF-4DEF-A299-2E9651DE6529")))
(yas/submenu "URL Escapes"
(;; Ignoring URL Escape Line / Selection
(yas/ignore-item "6B024865-6095-4CE3-8EDD-DC6F2230C2FF")
;; Ignoring URL Unescape Line / Selection
(yas/ignore-item "2C4C9673-B166-432A-8938-75A5CA622481")))
;; Ignoring Encrypt Line / Selection (ROT 13)
(yas/ignore-item "9B13543F-8356-443C-B6E7-D9259B604927")
;; Ignoring CodeCompletion HTML Attributes
(yas/ignore-item "CBD82CF3-74E9-4E7A-B3F6-9348754EB5AA")
;; Insert Open/Close Tag (With Current Word)
(yas/item "2ED44A32-C353-447F-BAE4-E3522DB6944D")
;; Ignoring Insert Close Tag
(yas/ignore-item "0658019F-3635-462E-AAC2-74E4FE508A9B")
(yas/submenu "Insert DocType"
(;; HTML — 4.01 Strict
(yas/item "944F1410-188C-4D70-8340-CECAA56FC7F2")
;; HTML — 4.01 Transitional
(yas/item "B2AAEE56-42D8-42C3-8F67-865473F50E8D")
;; XHTML — 1.0 Frameset
(yas/item "9ED6ABBE-A802-11D9-BFC8-000D93C8BE28")
;; XHTML — 1.0 Strict
(yas/item "C8B83564-A802-11D9-BFC8-000D93C8BE28")
;; XHTML — 1.0 Transitional
(yas/item "7D8C2F74-A802-11D9-BFC8-000D93C8BE28")
;; XHTML — 1.1
(yas/item "5CE8FC6E-A802-11D9-BFC8-000D93C8BE28")))
(yas/submenu "Insert Tag"
(;; Ignoring CodeCompletion HTML Tags
(yas/ignore-item "3463E85F-F500-49A0-8631-D78ED85F9D60")
;; Base
(yas/item "4462A6B8-A08A-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Body
(yas/item "4905D47B-A08B-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Br
(yas/item "3E008E42-A5C9-11D9-9BCD-000D93C8BE28")
;; Div
(yas/item "576036C0-A60E-11D9-ABD6-000D93C8BE28")
;; Embed QT Movie
(yas/item "42F15753-9B6D-4DD8-984C-807B94363277")
;; Fieldset
(yas/item "9BD2BE01-A854-4D55-B584-725D04C075C0")
;; Form
(yas/item "232C2E8B-A08E-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Head
(yas/item "9CF008C4-A086-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Heading
(yas/item "65BA66DC-A07F-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Input
(yas/item "44180979-A08E-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Input with Label
(yas/item "D8DCCC81-749A-4E2A-B4BC-D109D5799CAA")
;; Link
(yas/item "77BFD0C0-A08A-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Mail Anchor
(yas/item "81DA4C74-A530-11D9-9BCD-000D93C8BE28")
;; Meta
(yas/item "DA99AC44-A083-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Option
(yas/item "5820372E-A093-4F38-B25C-B0CCC50A0FC4")
;; Script
(yas/item "6592050A-A087-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Script With External Source
(yas/item "7D676C4C-A087-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Select Box
(yas/item "26023CFF-C73F-4EF5-9803-E4DBA2CBEADD")
;; Style
(yas/item "3C518074-A088-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Table
(yas/item "57176082-A12F-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Text Area
(yas/item "AAC9D7B8-A12C-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Title
(yas/item "B62ECABE-A086-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")))
(yas/submenu "Includes"
(;; Ignoring Add Persistent Include
(yas/ignore-item "0D814247-7A00-46EE-A2A4-45FBBF4B1181")
;; Ignoring Update Document
(yas/ignore-item "4400BCE9-20E3-426E-B1D7-2C0BCA53BCF8")
;; Ignoring Help: Persistent Includes
(yas/ignore-item "9AFDEB2C-D9F0-423E-8211-EBB089F51F0C")))
(yas/submenu "Format"
(;; Strong
(yas/item "4117D930-B6FA-4022-97E7-ECCAF4E70F63")
;; Emphasize
(yas/item "EBB98620-3292-4621-BA38-D8A9A65D9551")))
(yas/submenu "Conditional Comments"
(;; IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer
(yas/item "0ED6DA73-F38F-4A65-B18F-3379D2BA9387")
;; IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.0 only
(yas/item "3A517A94-001E-464D-8184-1FE56D0D0D70")
;; IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.5 only
(yas/item "E3F8984E-7269-4981-9D30-967AB56A6ACE")
;; IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.x
(yas/item "F3512848-7889-45DA-993B-0547976C8E6D")
;; IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 and below
(yas/item "32BBB9AB-8732-4F91-A587-354941A27B69")
;; IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 only
(yas/item "48DF7485-52EA-49B3-88AF-3A41F933F325")
;; IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 7 and above
(yas/item "CBC24AF4-88E0-498B-BE50-934B9CF29EC7")
;; IE Conditional Comment: NOT Internet Explorer
(yas/item "F00170EE-4A82-413F-A88B-85293E69A88B")))
;; Wrap Selection in Open/Close Tag
(yas/item "BC8B8AE2-5F16-11D9-B9C3-000D93589AF6")
;; Wrap Each Selected Line in Open/Close Tag
(yas/item "991E7EBD-F3F5-469A-BA01-DC30E04AD472")
;; Wrap in <?= … ?>
(yas/item "912906A0-9A29-434B-AE98-E9DFDE6E48B4")
;; Ignoring Strip HTML Tags from Document / Selection
(yas/ignore-item "20D760B5-A127-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28")
;; Ignoring Tidy
(yas/ignore-item "45F92B81-6F0E-11D9-A1E4-000D9332809C"))
;; Unknown substitutions
;; Substitutions for: content
;; # as in Templates/XHTML 1.1/info.yasnippet
;; CDE8EFD6-9DE2-4E8C-BB6A-52E8CCD2E977 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment Internet Explorer.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment Internet Explorer 5_0 only.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.0 only ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/CodeCompletion HTML Tags.yasnippet
;; 3463E85F-F500-49A0-8631-D78ED85F9D60 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/Emphasize.yasnippet
;; `(yas/html-toggle-wrap yas/selected-text "em")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Templates/HTML 4.0 Transitional/info.yasnippet
;; E6F19171-F664-4B4F-92DA-3E15E6CAD35C =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML form.yasnippet
;; ${TM_FILENAME/(.*?)\..*/$1_submit/} =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML body.yasnippet
;; ${TM_FILENAME/(.*)\..*/\L$1/} =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Insert Entity.yasnippet
;; 89E5CC0A-3EFF-4DEF-A299-2E9651DE6529 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Convert to HTML Entities.yasnippet
;; 3DD8406C-A116-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Persistent Include.yasnippet
;; 0D814247-7A00-46EE-A2A4-45FBBF4B1181 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Refresh All Active Browsers.yasnippet
;; B8651C6E-A05E-11D9-86AC-000D93C8BE28 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/Strong.yasnippet
;; `(yas/html-toggle-wrap yas/selected-text "strong")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment Internet Explorer 5_5 only.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.5 only ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in DragCommands/CSS Link.yasnippet
;; C8B717C2-6B33-11D9-BB47-000D93589AF6 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Insert Close Tag.yasnippet
;; 0658019F-3635-462E-AAC2-74E4FE508A9B =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Decode Numeric URL Escapes in Line Selection.yasnippet
;; 2C4C9673-B166-432A-8938-75A5CA622481 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Convert to named entities excl tags.yasnippet
;; 43C9E8AE-3E53-4B82-A1AF-56697BB3EF09 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/About Persistent Includes.yasnippet
;; 9AFDEB2C-D9F0-423E-8211-EBB089F51F0C =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML meta.yasnippet
;; `yas/html-xhtml-attr` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Templates/HTML 4.0 Strict/info.yasnippet
;; 04332FA8-8157-46C4-9854-8C190FFD96C6 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Macros/Delete whitespace between tags.yasnippet
;; 7B7E945E-A112-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in DragCommands/Anchor Tag.yasnippet
;; B23D6E15-6B33-11D9-86C1-000D93589AF6 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Templates/XHTML 1.0 Transitional/info.yasnippet
;; 65D38039-6B0A-48E9-9E49-43832ECC4107 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML title.yasnippet
;; ${TM_FILENAME/((.+)\..*)?/(?2:$2:Page Title)/} =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Tidy.yasnippet
;; 45F92B81-6F0E-11D9-A1E4-000D9332809C =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Strip HTML tags.yasnippet
;; 20D760B5-A127-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Encrypt Line Selection (ROT 13).yasnippet
;; 9B13543F-8356-443C-B6E7-D9259B604927 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Templates/XHTML 1.0 Strict/info.yasnippet
;; EBEE6B51-29C7-4362-818F-A190CACD5296 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/W3C validation.yasnippet
;; 3F26240E-6E4A-11D9-B411-000D93589AF6 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Convert Line Selection to URL Escapes.yasnippet
;; 6B024865-6095-4CE3-8EDD-DC6F2230C2FF =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Update Includes.yasnippet
;; 4400BCE9-20E3-426E-B1D7-2C0BCA53BCF8 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/CodeCompletion HTML Attributes.yasnippet
;; CBD82CF3-74E9-4E7A-B3F6-9348754EB5AA =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment Internet Explorer 6 and below.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 and below ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment Internet Explorer 5_x.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.x ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in DragCommands/Image Tag.yasnippet
;; CD6D2CC6-6B33-11D9-BDFD-000D93589AF6 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment NOT Internet Explorer.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: NOT Internet Explorer ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML h1.yasnippet
;; `yas/selected-text` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Templates/XHTML 1.0 Frameset/info.yasnippet
;; 26068A55-4C84-409D-BA00-162B55AF6961 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Decode HTML Entities.yasnippet
;; C183920D-A126-11D9-A5A2-000D93C8BE28 =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment Internet Explorer 7+.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 7 and above ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/IE Conditional Comment Internet Explorer 6 only.yasnippet
;; `(or (yas/selected-text) " IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 only ")` =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; Substitutions for: condition
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML head.yasnippet
;; text.html - text.html source =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/CodeCompletion HTML Attributes.yasnippet
;; text.html punctuation.definition.tag -source, text.html meta.tag -entity.other.attribute-name -source =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/Smart returnindent for tag pairs.yasnippet
;; meta.scope.between-tag-pair =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/CodeCompletion HTML Tags.yasnippet
;; text.html -entity.other.attribute-name -string.quoted, invalid.illegal.incomplete.html =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/Wrap Selection In Tag.yasnippet
;; text.html, =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Refresh All Active Browsers.yasnippet
;; text.html, source.css =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Templates/XHTML 1.1/info.yasnippet
;; text.html =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Documentation for Tag.yasnippet
;; text.html, text.html entity.name.tag =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML title.yasnippet
;; text.html - text.blog =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/Wrap in =.yasnippet
;; text.html string =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; Substitutions for: binding
;; # as in Commands/Persistent Include.yasnippet
;; =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML   NonBreakingSpace.yasnippet
;; ~ =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/Smart returnindent for tag pairs.yasnippet
=yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/W3C validation.yasnippet
;; ^V =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Insert Close Tag.yasnippet
;; ~@. =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Snippets/XHTML br.yasnippet
;; ^
=yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Insert Entity.yasnippet
;; @& =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Refresh All Active Browsers.yasnippet
;; @r =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/CodeCompletion HTML Tags.yasnippet
;; ~ =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Update Includes.yasnippet
;; ^@u =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Macros/Delete whitespace between tags.yasnippet
;; ^~ =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; # as in Commands/Tidy.yasnippet
;; ^H =yyas> (yas/unknown)
;; .yas-setup.el for html-mode ends here