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2018-02-25 12:59:21 +07:00

349 lines
9.9 KiB

topsep = 1pt,
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\LARGE\color{heading}\textbf{Emacs Prelude Cheat Sheet}
\section{Getting Help in Emacs}
\item[C-h k \meta{key}] \humanreadable{describe function bound to \meta{key}}
\item[C-h b] \humanreadable{list key-bindings for focused buffer}
\item[C-h m] \humanreadable{describe mode}
\item[C-h l] \humanreadable{show the keys you have pressed}
\item[C-h f] \humanreadable{describe function}
\item[C-x \textbackslash] align-regexp
\item[C-+] text-scale-increase
\item[C--] text-scale-decrease
\item[C-x O] \humanreadable{go to previous window}
\item[C-x m] eshell
\item[C-x M] \humanreadable{start a new eshell if one is active}
\item[C-x M-m] shell
\item[C-x C-m] smex
\item[C-h A] apropos
\item[C-h C-f] find-function
\item[C-h C-k] find-function-on-key
\item[C-h C-v] find-variable
\item[C-h C-l] find-library
\item[C-h C-i] info-display-manual
\item[C-<backspace>] \humanreadable{kill line backward and indent}
\item[C-o] (isearch-mode) isearch-occur
\item[M-/] hippie-expand
\item[C-x C-b] ibuffer
\item[<f11>] prelude-fullscreen
\item[<f12>] menu-bar-mode
\item[C-x g] magit-status
\item[C-x M-g] magit-dispatch-popup
\humanreadable{Keybindings defined in prelude mode}
\item[C-c o] crux-open-with
\item[C-c g] prelude-google
\item[C-c G] prelude-github
\item[C-c y] prelude-youtube
\item[C-c U] prelude-duckduckgo
\item[C-a] crux-move-beginning-of-line
\item[S-<return>] crux-smart-open-line
\item[M-o] crux-smart-open-line
\item[C-S-<return>] crux-smart-open-line-above
\item[C-S-<up>] move-text-up
\item[C-S-<down>] move-text-down
\item[M-S-<up>] move-text-up
\item[M-S-<down>] move-text-down
\item[C-c n] crux-cleanup-buffer-or-region
\item[C-c f] crux-recentf-ido-find-file
\item[C-M-z] crux-indent-defun
\item[C-c u] crux-view-url
\item[C-c e] crux-eval-and-replace
\item[C-c s] crux-swap-windows
\item[C-c w] prelude-swap-meta-and-super
\item[C-c D] crux-delete-file-and-buffer
\item[C-c d] crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region
\item[C-c M-d] crux-duplicate-and-comment-current-
\item[C-c r] crux-rename-buffer-and-file
\item[C-c t] crux-visit-term-buffer
\item[C-c k] crux-kill-other-buffers
\item[C-c TAB] crux-indent-rigidly-and-copy-
\item[C-c I] crux-find-user-init-file
\item[C-c S] crux-find-shell-init-file
\item[C-c i] imenu-anywhere
\item[s-p] projectile-command-map
\item[s-g] god-local-mode
\item[s-r] crux-recentf-ido-find-file
\item[s-j] crux-top-join-line
\item[s-k] crux-kill-whole-line
\item[s-m m] magit-status
\item[s-m l] magit-log
\item[s-m f] magit-log-buffer-file
\item[s-m b] magit-blame
\item[s-o] crux-smart-open-line-above
\humanreadable{Quickly switch windows in Emacs}
\item[s-w] ace-window
\humanreadable{Effectively navigate to visible things}
\item[C-c j] avy-goto-word-or-subword-1
\item[s-.] avy-goto-word-or-subword-1
\humanreadable{Enhances isearch \& query-replace by showing total matches and current match position}
\item[M-\%] anzu-query-replace
\item[s-.] anzu-query-replace-regexp
\humanreadable{Smarter kill-ring navigation}
\item[s-y] browse-kill-ring
\humanreadable{A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs.}
\item[C-\^] crux-top-join-line
\item[s-k] crux-kill-whole-line
\humanreadable{A quick major mode help with discover-my-major.}
\item[C-h C-m] discover-my-major
\humanreadable{Kill \& Mark Things Easily in Emacs.}
\item[M-w] easy-kill
\item[C-M-SPC] easy-mark
\item[C-M-@] easy-mark
\humanreadable{Increase selected region by semantic units.}
\item[C-=] er/expand-region
\humanreadable{On the fly syntax checking.}
\item[C-t C-n] flycheck-next-error
\item[C-t C-p] flycheck-previous-error
\humanreadable{Project Interaction Library for Emacs.}
\item[C-c p f] projectile-find-file
\item[C-c p p] projectile-switch-project
\item[C-c p d] projectile-find-dir
\item[C-c p r] projectile-replace
\item[C-c p T] projectile-find-test-file
\item[C-c p s g] projectile-grep
\item[C-c p s s] projectile-ag
\humanreadable{Operate on number at point with arithmetic functions.}
\item[C-c . +] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . -] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . *] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . /] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . \textbackslash] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . \textasciicircum] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . <] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . >] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . \#] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . \%] apply-operation-to-number-at-point
\item[C-c . '] operate-on-number-at-point
\humanreadable{A more powerful alternative to zap-to-char.}
\item[M-z] zop-up-to-char
\item[M-Z] zop-to-char
\item[M-x] smex
\item[M-X] smex-major-mode-commands
\item[C-c C-r] ivy-resume
\item[<f6>] ivy-resume
\item[C-s] swiper
\item[M-x] counsel-M-x
\item[<f1> f] counsel-describe-function
\item[<f1> v] counsel-describe-variable
\item[<f1> l] counsel-find-library
\item[<f1> i] counsel-info-lookup-symbol
\item[<f1> u] counsel-unicode-char
\item[C-c g] counsel-git
\item[C-c j] counsel-git-grep
\item[C-c k] counsel-ag
\item[C-x l] counsel-locate
\item[C-r] (minibuffer) counsel-minibuffer-history
\item[C-c h o] helm-occur
\item[C-c h g] helm-do-grep
\item[C-c h C-c w] helm-wikipedia-suggest
\item[C-c h SPC] helm-all-mark-rings
\item[C-c p h] helm-projectile
\item[M-x] helm-M-x
\item[C-c C-m] helm-M-x
\item[M-y] helm-show-kill-ring
\item[C-x b] helm-mini
\item[C-x C-b] helm-buffers-list
\item[C-x C-f] helm-find-files
\item[C-h f] helm-apropos
\item[C-h r] helm-info-emacs
\item[C-h C-l] helm-locate-library
\item[C-c f] (prelude-mode) helm-recentf
\item[C-c C-l] (minibuffer-local) help-minibuffer-history
\item[C-o] (isearch-mode) helm-occur-from-isearch
\item[C-c C-l] (shell-mode) helm-comint-input-ring
\item[jj] avy-goto-word-1
\item[jl] avy-goto-line
\item[jk] avy-goto-char
\item[JJ] crux-switch-to-previous-buffer
\item[uu] undo-tree-visualize
\item[xx] execute-extended-command
\item[yy] browse-kill-ring
\item[C-A] (normal-state) evil-numbers/inc-at-pt
\item[C-S-A] (normal-state) evil-numbers/dec-at-pt
\item[>] (visual-state) prelude-shift-right-visual
\item[<] prelude-shift-left-visual
\item[C-S-d] prelude-evil-scroll-down-other-window
\item[C-S-u] prelude-evil-scroll-up-other-window
\item[K] (magit-branch-manager-mode)\\
(emacs-state) magit-discard
\item[L] (magit-branch-manager-mode)\\
(emacs-state) magit-log-popup
\item[K] (magit-status-mode) (emacs-state) magit-discard
\item[l] (magit-status-mode) (emacs-state)\\
\item[h] (magit-status-mode) (emacs-state)\\
\item[C-c C-z] prelude-visit-ielm
\item[C-c C-c] eval-defun
\item[C-c C-b] eval-buffer
\item[C-c a] go-test-current-project
\item[C-c m] go-test-current-file
\item[C-c .] go-test-current-test
\item[C-c b] go-run
\item[C-c h] godoc-at-point
\item[C-c C-s] utop
\item[C-c l] org-store-link
\item[C-c a] org-agenda
\item[C-c b] org-iswitchb
\item[C-c C-d] racer-describe
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