# Prelude Python !!! Note This module builds on top of the shared [Programming](programming.md) module. ## Python Mode Emacs comes with Python programming support through the built-in `python-mode`. Whenever you are editing Python code run `C-h m` to look at the Python mode key bindings. Alternatively look at the menu bar entries under Python. To toggle the menu bar press `F12`. ## Syntax checking Prelude ships with [Flycheck](https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck), an on the fly syntax checker. Flycheck has support for two Python syntax checkers, [Pylint](http://www.pylint.org/) and [Flake8](http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/). In order to have Flycheck support on the fly syntax checking for Python you need to have either of these installed and accessible to Emacs. In order to manually choose a checker run `C-c ! s`. ## Automatic insertion of # coding: utf-8 Previously `prelude-python` had this feature enabled by default, but that is only necessary on Python2, because Python3 already use utf-8 as default encoding. In 2020, python2 becames deprecated, so that functionallity becames a annoying side-effect for some users. If you wish to enable this, add this to your config file: ```emacs-lisp (setq prelude-python-mode-set-encoding-automatically t) ```