install_prelude () { printf " Cloning the repository.\n$RESET" if [ x$PRELUDE_VERBOSE != x ] then /usr/bin/env git clone $PRELUDE_URL $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR else /usr/bin/env git clone $PRELUDE_URL $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! [ $? -eq 0 ] then printf "$RED Unkown git error occured during installation, " printf "please check the source url: $PRELUDE_URL\n$RESET" exit 1 fi } make_prelude_dirs () { printf " Making the required directories.\n$RESET" mkdir $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/vendor $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/personal mkdir $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/themes $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/snippets mkdir $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/savefile } colors () { # Reset RESET='\e[0m' RED='\e[0;31m' # Red GREEN='\e[0;32m' # Green YELLOW='\e[0;33m' # Yellow BLUE='\e[0;34m' # Blue PURPLE='\e[0;35m' # Purple CYAN='\e[0;36m' # Cyan WHITE='\e[0;37m' # White # Bold BRED='\e[1;31m' # Red BGREEN='\e[1;32m' # Green BYELLOW='\e[1;33m' # Yellow BBLUE='\e[1;34m' # Blue BPURPLE='\e[1;35m' # Purple BCYAN='\e[1;36m' # Cyan BWHITE='\e[1;37m' # White } # Commandline args: # -d/--directory [dir] # Install prelude into the specified directory. If 'dir' is a relative path prefix it with $HOME. # Defaults to '$HOME/.emacs.d' # -c/--colors # Enable colors # -s/--source [url] # Clone prelude from 'url'. # Defaults to '' # -i/--into # If one exists, install into the existing config # -n/--no-bytecompile # Skip the compilation of the prelude files. # -h/--help # Print help # -v/--verbose # Verbose output, for debugging usage() { printf "Usage: $0 [OPTION]\n" printf " -c, --colors \t \t \t Enable colors.\n" printf " -d, --directory [dir] \t Install prelude into the specified directory.\n" printf " \t \t \t \t If 'dir' is a relative path prefix with $HOME.\n" printf " \t \t \t \t Defaults to $HOME/.emacs.d\n" printf " -s, --source [url] \t \t Clone prelude from 'url'.\n" printf " \t \t \t \t Defaults to ''.\n" printf " -n, --no-bytecompile \t \t Skip the bytecompilation step of prelude.\n" printf " -i, --into \t \t \t Install Prelude into the existing configuration\n" printf " \t \t \t \t The default behavious is to install prelude into the existing\n" printf " \t \t \t \t emacs configuration.\n" printf " -h, --help \t \t \t Display this help and exit\n" printf " -v, --verbose \t \t Display verbose information\n" printf "\n" } ### Parse cli while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case $1 in -d | --directory) PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR=$2 shift 2 ;; -c | --colors) colors shift 1 ;; -s | --source) PRELUDE_URL=$2 shift 2 ;; -i | --into) PRELUDE_INTO='true' shift 1 ;; -n | --no-bytecompile) PRELUDE_SKIP_BC='true' shift 1 ;; -h | --help) usage exit 0 ;; -v | --verbose) echo "prelude verbose $PRELUDE_VERBOSE" PRELUDE_VERBOSE='true'; shift 1 ;; *) printf "Unkown option: $1\n" shift 1 ;; esac done VERBOSE_COLOR=$BBLUE [ -z $PRELUDE_URL ] && PRELUDE_URL="" [ -z $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR ] && PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/.emacs.d" if [ x$PRELUDE_VERBOSE != x ] then printf "$PRELUDE_VERBOSE\n" printf "$VERBOSE_COLOR" printf "INSTALL_DIR = $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR\n" printf "SOURCE_URL = $PRELUDE_URL\n" if [ -n $PRELUDE_SKIP_BC ] then printf "Skipping bytecompilation.\n" fi if [ -n $PRELUDE_INTO ] then printf "Replacing existing config (if one exists).\n" fi printf "$RESET" fi # If prelude is already installed if [ -d $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/prelude ] then printf "\n\n$BRED" printf "You already have Prelude installed.$RESET\nYou'll need to remove $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/prelude if you want to install Prelude again.\n" printf "If you want to update your copy of prelude, run 'git pull origin master' from your prelude directory\n\n" exit 1; fi ### Check dependencies printf "$CYAN Checking to see if git is installed... $RESET" if hash git 2>&- then printf "$GREEN found.$RESET\n" else printf "$RED not found. Aborting installation!$RESET\n" exit 1 fi; printf "$CYAN Checking to see if aspell is installed... " if hash aspell 2>&- then printf "$GREEN found.$RESET\n" else print "$RED not found. Install aspell to benefit from flyspell-mode!$RESET\n" fi printf "$CYAN Checking to see if ack is installed... " if hash ack 2>&- then printf "$GREEN found.$RESET\n" else printf "$RED not found. You'll need it to use ack-and-a-half!$RESET\n" fi ### Check emacs version if [ $(emacs --version 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/.*[^0-9.]\([0-9]*\.[0-9.]*\).*/\1/p;q' | sed 's/\..*//g') -lt 24 ] then printf "$YELLOW WARNING:$RESET Prelude depends on emacs $RED 24$RESET !\n" fi if [ -d $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR ] || [ -f $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR ] then # Existing file/directory found -> backup printf " Backing up the existing config to $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR.pre-prelude.tar.\n" tar -cf $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR.pre-prelude.tar $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR > /dev/null 2>&1 # Overwrite existing? if [ -n $PRELUDE_INTO ] then # Replace existing config install_prelude make_prelude_dirs else # Install into existing config PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR=$PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR"/prelude" install_prelude fi elif [ -e $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR ] then # File exist but not a regular file or directory # WTF NOW? printf "$BRED $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR exist but isn't a file or directory.\n" printf "$BRED please remove this file or install prelude in a different directory" printf "$BRED (-d flag)\n$RESET" exit 1 else # Nothing yet so just install prelude install_prelude make_prelude_dirs fi if [ -z $PRELUDE_SKIP_BC ]; then if which emacs 2>&1 > /dev/null then printf " Bytecompiling Prelude.\n" if [ x$PRELUDE_VERBOSE != x ] then emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/prelude/*.el else emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/prelude/*.el > /dev/null 2>&1 fi else printf "$YELLOW Emacs not found.$RESET Skipping bytecompilation.\n" fi else printf "Skipping bytecompilation.\n" fi # Print usage message if prelude didn't replace .emacs.d # if [ $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR != "$HOME/.emacs.d" ] # then # printf "\n To use prelude, add: $CYAN\n (defvar prelude-dir \"$PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR/\")\n" # printf " (load-file (concat prelude-dir \"init.el\"))\n$RESET" # printf " To your emacs init file.\n\n" # fi printf "\n" printf "$BBLUE ____ _ _ \n" printf "$BBLUE | _ \ _ __ ___| |_ _ __| | ___ \n" printf "$BBLUE | |_) | __/ _ \ | | | |/ _ |/ _ \ \n" printf "$BBLUE | __/| | | __/ | |_| | (_| | __/ \n" printf "$BBLUE |_| |_| \___|_|\__,_|\__,_|\___| \n\n" printf "$GREEN ... is now installed and ready to do thy bidding, Master $USER!$RESET\n"