PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/.emacs.d" PRELUDE_URL= if [ -d $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR ] then printf "\e[33m You already have Prelude installed.\e[0m You'll need to remove $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR if you want to install Prelude again.\n" exit 1; fi printf "Checking to see if git is installed... " hash git 2>&- || { printf >&2 "\e[33mnot found. Aborting installation!\e[0m"; exit 1; } printf "\e[32mfound.\e[0m\n" printf "Checking to see if aspell is installed... " hash aspell 2>&- || { printf >&2 "\e[33mnot found. Install aspell to benefit from flyspell-mode!\e[0m"; } printf "\e[32mfound.\e[0m\n" printf "Checking to see if ack is installed... " hash ack 2>&- || { printf >&2 "\e[33mnot found. You'll need it to use ack-and-a-half!\e[0m"; } printf "\e[32mfound.\e[0m\n" printf "Looking for an existing Emacs config... " if [ -d $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR ] then printf "\e[33mfound an existing $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR.\e[0m Backing it up to $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR.pre-prelude.\n" mv $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR.pre-prelude elif [ -f ~/.emacs ] then printf "\e[33mfound an existing ~/.emacs.\e[0m Backing it up to ~/.emacs.pre-prelude.\n" mv ~/.emacs ~/.emacs.pre-prelude else printf "\e[32mnot found.\e[0m\n" fi printf "Cloning Emacs Prelude from GitHub... " /usr/bin/env git clone $PRELUDE_URL $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR > /dev/null 2>&1 cd $PRELUDE_INSTALL_DIR printf "done.\n\n" printf "\e[34m ____ _ _ \n" printf "\e[34m| _ \ _ __ ___| |_ _ __| | ___ \n" printf "\e[34m| |_) | __/ _ \ | | | |/ _ |/ _ \ \n" printf "\e[34m| __/| | | __/ | |_| | (_| | __/ \n" printf "\e[34m|_| |_| \___|_|\__,_|\__,_|\___| \n" printf "\e[32m... is now installed and ready to do thy bidding, Master $USER!\n" printf "\e[0m"