# Prelude Common Lisp !!! Note This module builds on top of the shared [Lisp Base](lisp.md) module. ## lisp-mode Not much to say here, as `lisp-mode` is configured in the "Lisp Base" module. ## SLIME This module bundles [SLIME](https://common-lisp.net/project/slime/), a popular interactive programming environment for SLIME, and enables many of its essential features. SLIME supports many Common Lisp implementations: * CMU Common Lisp (CMUCL) * Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) * Clozure CL (a.k.a. OpenMCL) * LispWorks * Allegro CL * CLISP * Scieneer CL * ECL * Corman CL * ABCL The default config assumes the usage of [Clozure CL](https://github.com/Clozure/ccl) on macOS and of [SBCL](http://www.sbcl.org/) everywhere else. That's something you can easily tweak via `slime-default-lisp`. You can start SLIME with `M-x slime`.