# Prelude Go This module builds on top of the shared [Programming](programming.md) module, as well as the `prelude-lsp` module. The following keybindings are set by default, which are not present in each mode's default bindings: * C-c a (`go-test-current-project`) * C-c m (`go-test-current-file`) * C-c . (`go-test-current-test`) * C-c b (`go-run`) * C-h f (`godoc-at-point`) Run C-h m for all the key bindings and other documentation. There are two ways to manage projects in Go: `$GOPATH` and with Go modules. Modules are the newer, recommended method. Read [Using Go Modules](https://go.dev/blog/using-go-modules) to learn about this, if you are unfamiliar with the subject. Many of the tools used by Prelude Go may provide functions that are broken with modules. There is usually another function that will work properly; when in doubt, use a function provided by `lsp-mode` which is documented below. Generics were added to Go in 1.18. `gopls`, the backend for `lsp-mode` setup herein, supports generics as long as `gopls` itself was built with 1.18+. Other minor modes may not support generics yet. ## Go Mode `prelude-go` builds on several useful Go tools, and establishes sensible defaults. The major mode is `go-mode`. Documentation is available at [github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el](https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el) ## Go Projectile [Projectile](https://github.com/bbatsov/projectile) integration is provided by [go-projectile](https://github.com/dougm/go-projectile). This provides: * Projectile integration * Switching GOPATH if desired per project (customizable via `customize`) * Ability to download all commonly used `go` tools via M-x go-projectile-install-tools and update them via M-x go-projectile-update-tools * Very basic refactoring via `go-projectile-rewrite` (uses `gofmt -r`) * Support for `go get` and `go get -u` via `go-projectile-get` and `go-projectile-update`. See its documentation for details. ## LSP Mode and LSP UI [LSP](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) (Language Server Protocol) is a protocol that allows editors to use an external "language server" to provide features like autocompletion, documentation, and code navigation rather than implementing these features separately in each editor. Emacs supports LSP via `lsp-mode`. The language server used is [gopls](https://github.com/golang/tools/tree/master/gopls). To install `gopls`, change to a directory outside of `$GOPATH` or any module (e.g., `/tmp`) and execute: ``` go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest ``` Ensure that `gopls` is in your `$PATH`. Excellent documentation for `lsp-mode` and `lsp-ui` are provided at [emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/](https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/) If a feature, such as documentation, refactoring, indenting, etc. is provided by `lsp`, you should use it instead of calling to another tool. `gopls` is the officially maintained tool that supercedes functionality in other tools, like `gocode`, and works properly with modules and generics. Company support is automatically added that works with `lsp`. ## GoTest [gotest](https://github.com/nlamirault/gotest.el) is also provided while editing Go files in order to run tests more easily. The bindings provided by `prelude-go` are listed at the top because `gotest` does not set any.