# Prelude ERC ERC is a popular IRC client bundled with Emacs. ERC is both powerful and complex, that's why Prelude bundles some configuration for it, together with a few handy commands like `start-irc` and `stop-irc`. ## Customizing Server list If you want to join a list of servers on `M-x start-irc`, other than the default list, please redefine the variable `my-fav-irc` as follows in your personal config: ```emacs-lisp (setq my-fav-irc '("irc.freenode.net" "irc.oftc.net" "irc.mozilla.org" "irc.gnome.org")) ``` ## Customizing Last Quit Message If you want to customize your IRC Last Quit Message from *Asta la vista* to something more funkier, please redefine `bye-irc-message` as follows: ```emacs-lisp (setq bye-erc-message "adios") ``` ## Reading NickServ passwords from auth-source plugin If you want to automatically authenticate while logging into IRC servers set the `erc-prompt-for-password` to nil as follows: ```emacs-lisp (setq erc-prompt-for-password nil) ``` Now you can set password in plaintext in `.authinfo` file in the netRC format or you it encrypted in `.authinfo.gpg` file after setting up gpg in Emacs. ## Opening all ERC buffers in a new perspective Many a time when we start IRC with the `start-irc` command, all the channels open in our existing workspace, which can be annoying to some; especially to those who like to organize their buffers into separate groups (perspectives). To avoid this scenario, it is better to group all the ERC buffers into one perspective called `IRC` when `start-irc` is called. To enable this set the `prelude-new-irc-persp` variable to true as follows: ```emacs-lisp (setq prelude-new-irc-persp t) ```