# Change log ## master (unreleased) ### New features * Enable `org-habits`. * Neatly track `TODO` state changes in a drawer (LOGBOOK) thereby. improving readability * Add a module to enable Literate Programming (`prelude-literal-programming.el`). * Add a Racket module. * Add a Lua module. * Auto-install `racket-mode` if needed. * Add a F# module. * Auto-install `use-package`. * Add `prelude-vertico` module. Vertico a simpler alternative to `ivy-mode` and supersedes Selectrum. ### Changes * Bind all essential `avy` commands to their recommended keybindings. * Remove `company-lsp`. * Replace `yank-pop` key-binding to `counse-yank-pop` for `ivy-mode`. * The keybinding for `proced` is now enabled unconditionally. * Replace prelude-go backend with `lsp` instead of unmaintained tools. * Use `rust-analyzer` as language server for prelude-rust and provide nicer syntax highlighting with `tree-sitter`. * Use `js2-mode` for Node.js specific `.cjs` and `.mjs` extensions. ### Bugs fixed * Fix `company` still being visible in the mode line. * [#1335](https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude/issues/1335): Workaround for `which-key` bug causing display issues in clients to `emacs --daemon`. * Fix **Edit on GitHub** link in ReadTheDocs site. * Fix fall back to sample `prelude-modules.el` not working if user has installed to non-default location. * Stop requiring `helm-config` since upstream has removed the module. * Require `typescript-mode` using `prelude-require-packages` to avoid error upon inclusion in `personal/prelude-modules.el`. * Turn off `super-save` in `rust-mode` to prevent severe hangs during autocomplete. ## 1.1.0 (2021-02-14) ### New features * Enable `nlinum-mode` or `display-line-numbers-mode` by default. Can be disabled by setting `prelude-minimalistic-ui` to `t`. * Enable site-wide installation for Prelude. * Auto-installs `julia-mode` if needed. * Auto-install `adoc-mode` for AsciiDoc files. * Add the `ag` package. It provides a nice alternative to `grep` and has nice Projectile integration. * Added additional configuration modules for WSL (`prelude-wsl`) and Windows (`prelude-windows`). * Add `prelude-selectrum` module. Selectrum a simpler alternative to `ivy-mode`. ### Changes * [#1292](https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude/issues/1292): Add `prelude-python-mode-set-encoding-automatically` defcustom inn `prelude-python.el` module with nil default value. * [#1278](https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude/issues/1278): Don't disable `menu-bar-mode` unless `prelude-minimalistic-ui` is enabled. * [#1277](https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude/issues/1277): Make it possible to disable the creation of `Super`-based keybindings via `prelude-super-keybindings`. * Removed deprecated alias `prelude-ensure-module-deps`. * Remove `prelude-fullscreen`, as these days people can use `toggle-frame-fullscreen` instead. (it was introduced in Emacs 24.4) * Removed `beacon-mode`. * Added `transient/` to `.gitignore`. * Fallback to `sample/prelude-modules.el` in the absence of a `prelude-modules.el` in one's personal folder. * [Ruby] Don't auto-insert coding comments. * Hide (via `diminish`) `editorconfig-mode`, `super-save`, `company`, `abbrev` and `ivy` in the modeline. * Use `lsp-workspace-restart` function instead of deprecated `lsp-restart-workspace`. * Bind all online search commands under `C-c C-/` to avoid a conflict with `counsel-git` or `magit-file-dispatch`. * Bound `magit-file-mode` to `C-c g` (it's also bound to `C-c M-g` if you decide to utilize this keybinding for something else. * Added `.cache/` and `lsp-session*` to `.gitignore`. These are generated by `lsp`. ### Bugs fixed * [#1302](https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude/issues/1302): `C-a` should be bound to `org-beginning-of-line` in org-mode buffers. ## 1.0.0 (2020-09-15) Initial "stable" release after 9 years of development.