Group customized keybindings to each package
Add modules to cheatsheet
Define free form text
Add more documentation to packages
Add projectile commands and descripts in text format
Add commands for modules
Add all keybinds of each module
Better line separation
Fix wrong location of avy and anzu keybindings
Include cheatsheet in readme
Add doc to generate pdf
Add cheatsheet in TOC
The module uses the following packages:
* rust-mode (general utilities for rust development)
* flycheck-rust (syntax checking)
* cargo (keybinding as minor-mode for using cargo package manager)
* racer (wrapper for the race code completion tool using company-mode)
* Remove TAB remap
This will fix the warning for each TAB:
> "‘slime-indent-and-complete-symbol’ is an obsolete command
(as of 2015-10-18);
* Add slime-cl-indent to slime-contribs
This will ensure that lisp-indent-function will be used correctly
for Common Lisp (not Emacs Lisp).
1. Introduces the `my-fav-irc` list for custom autojoining
your favorite channels
2. Introduces the `bye-erc-message` variable for customizing
the Last Quit Message
3. Adds documentation so that users can take advantage of these features
* `turn-on-haskell-indentation` has been marked obsolete in favour of
* `turn-on-haskell-doc-mode` has been marked obsolete in favour of
With a default installation of Prelude and the `prelude-latex` package
enabled, when the user types `"` on a LaTeX document the following shows
where the `|` is the point.
Note that the parenthesis are unbalanced, there's a missing single quote
`'` in the end.
The reason seems to be that both AUCTeX and SmartParens try to
autocomplete and they interact bad.
The solution is to disable AUCTeX autocompletion feature just for the
quotes and let SmartParens take over. It does the right thing by putting
the point on the right place and removing the closing quotes if the user
hits backspace.
This enables the slime-fancy contribs for slime, and no longer enables
rainbow-delimiters for the slime repl.
rainbow-delimiters doesn't seem to work with the slime-repl anyway, and
messes up all of the other colors.
Newer versions of opam don't do argument parsing of the first argument
after `opam config exec` so everything needs to be passed as separate
arguments in the shell (i.e. unquoted).
It is not needed anymore since helm-candidate-number-limit is
small (less than several thousands). If this is the case, then there's
no difference between quick update and no quick update execution time.
Enabling helm-quick-update makes helm buffer flashing for every entered
character to retrieve new candidate list, which would annoy user.
Since `helm-command-prefix-key' must be loaded before `helm-config', we
don't know if other Helm packages include `helm-config' and invalidate
custom prefix key. This change makes prefix binding independent from any
Helm package.
helm-command-prefix-key is already defined with defcustom in
helm-config.el. It must be set before helm-config.el to take
effect. With current setting, "C-x c" is used instead of "C-c h" and it
conflicts with the guide on homepage. "C-x c" makes it easy to press
"C-x C-c" to close Emacs when pressing fast enough. "C-c h" is also
originally used for Helm in Prelude.
Since Helm is another option to Ido, users who want to use it fully
should benefit from the default Prelude setup. If some users don't like,
they can always disable global Helm mode according to the instructions
in the homepage. User can enable Helm everywhere with
This change also enables Helm version of command history in shell and
eshell. It also adds minibuffer history without overrides any key
binding in minibuffer-local-map.