Group customized keybindings to each package
Add modules to cheatsheet
Define free form text
Add more documentation to packages
Add projectile commands and descripts in text format
Add commands for modules
Add all keybinds of each module
Better line separation
Fix wrong location of avy and anzu keybindings
Include cheatsheet in readme
Add doc to generate pdf
Add cheatsheet in TOC
* This file is a temporary file used by Emacs Network Security Manager.
It keeps details about connections. Such file should be ignored
and never committed.
The module uses the following packages:
* rust-mode (general utilities for rust development)
* flycheck-rust (syntax checking)
* cargo (keybinding as minor-mode for using cargo package manager)
* racer (wrapper for the race code completion tool using company-mode)
* Remove TAB remap
This will fix the warning for each TAB:
> "‘slime-indent-and-complete-symbol’ is an obsolete command
(as of 2015-10-18);
* Add slime-cl-indent to slime-contribs
This will ensure that lisp-indent-function will be used correctly
for Common Lisp (not Emacs Lisp).
1. Introduces the `my-fav-irc` list for custom autojoining
your favorite channels
2. Introduces the `bye-erc-message` variable for customizing
the Last Quit Message
3. Adds documentation so that users can take advantage of these features
* Modified the regex so prelude won't load any .el files that start with
a `.`, spefically for `.dir-locals.el`. This file does not play nice
with `load`
* Added a `personal/.dir-locals.el` to disable the flychecker
If user has a $HOME/.emacs file, the prelude installer script
will install just fine, but when starting emacs, nothing will
take effect because emacs doesn't load .emacs.d/init.el if .emacs
exists. Because this is confusing for new users, the installer should
default to renaming this file to make emacs actually load prelude.