added a section of flyspell-mode

This commit is contained in:
Bozhidar Batsov 2012-03-16 12:38:55 +02:00
parent ae95393e96
commit c209a6da26

View file

@ -310,6 +310,20 @@ hard for you to receive automatic updates in the future.
## Caveats & Pitfalls
### Problems with flyspell-mode
Prelude makes heavy use of the flyspell-mode package for spell
checking of various things. The proper operation of flyspell depends
on the presence of the `aspell` program and an `en` dictionary on your
system. You can install `aspell` and the dictionary on OS X with
`homebrew` like this:
$ brew install aspell --lang=en
On Linux distros - just use your distro's package manager.
### Ugly colors in the terminal Emacs version
If your Emacs looks considerably uglier in a terminal (compared to the