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# encoding: UTF-8
# We use ISO 639-1 (language) and ISO 3166 alpha-2 (region - if appliccable):
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1
# If you want several aliases for a keyword, just separate them
# with a | character. Make sure there are no ambiguities in the
# keywords.
# If you do *not* want a trailing space after a keyword, end it with a < character.
# (See Chinese for examples).
name: English
native: English
feature: Feature
background: Background
scenario: Scenario
scenario_outline: Scenario Outline
examples: Examples|Scenarios
given: "*|Given"
when: "*|When"
then: "*|Then"
and: "*|And"
but: "*|But"
# Please keep the grammars in alphabetical order by name from here and down.
name: Arabic
native: العربية
feature: خاصية
background: الخلفية
scenario: سيناريو
scenario_outline: سيناريو مخطط
examples: امثلة
given: "*|بفرض"
when: "*|متى|عندما"
then: "*|اذاً|ثم"
and: "*|و"
but: "*|لكن"
name: Bulgarian
native: български
feature: Функционалност
background: Предистория
scenario: Сценарий
scenario_outline: Рамка на сценарий
examples: Примери
given: "*|Дадено"
when: "*|Когато"
then: "*|То"
and: "*|И"
but: "*|Но"
name: Catalan
native: català
background: Rerefons|Antecedents
feature: Característica|Funcionalitat
scenario: Escenari
scenario_outline: Esquema de l'escenari
examples: Exemples
given: "*|Donat|Donada|Atès|Atesa"
when: "*|Quan"
then: "*|Aleshores|Cal"
and: "*|I"
but: "*|Però"
name: Welsh
native: Cymraeg
background: Cefndir
feature: Arwedd
scenario: Scenario
scenario_outline: Scenario Amlinellol
examples: Enghreifftiau
given: "*|Anrhegedig a"
when: "*|Pryd"
then: "*|Yna"
and: "*|A"
but: "*|Ond"
name: Czech
native: Česky
feature: Požadavek
background: Pozadí|Kontext
scenario: Scénář
scenario_outline: Náčrt Scénáře|Osnova scénáře
examples: Příklady
given: "*|Pokud"
when: "*|Když"
then: "*|Pak"
and: "*|A|A také"
but: "*|Ale"
name: Danish
native: dansk
feature: Egenskab
background: Baggrund
scenario: Scenarie
scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario
examples: Eksempler
given: "*|Givet"
when: "*|Når"
then: "*|Så"
and: "*|Og"
but: "*|Men"
name: German
native: Deutsch
feature: Funktionalität
background: Grundlage
scenario: Szenario
scenario_outline: Szenariogrundriss
examples: Beispiele
given: "*|Angenommen|Gegeben sei"
when: "*|Wenn"
then: "*|Dann"
and: "*|Und"
but: "*|Aber"
name: Australian
native: Australian
feature: Crikey
background: Background
scenario: Mate
scenario_outline: Blokes
examples: Cobber
given: "*|Ya know how"
when: "*|When"
then: "*|Ya gotta"
and: "*|N"
but: "*|Cept"
name: LOLCAT
native: LOLCAT
feature: OH HAI
background: B4
scenario: MISHUN
scenario_outline: MISHUN SRSLY
examples: EXAMPLZ
given: "*|I CAN HAZ"
when: "*|WEN"
then: "*|DEN"
and: "*|AN"
but: "*|BUT"
name: Scouse
native: Scouse
feature: Feature
background: "Dis is what went down"
scenario: "The thing of it is"
scenario_outline: "Wharrimean is"
examples: Examples
given: "*|Givun|Youse know when youse got"
when: "*|Wun|Youse know like when"
then: "*|Dun|Den youse gotta"
and: "*|An"
but: "*|Buh"
name: Texan
native: Texan
feature: Feature
background: Background
scenario: Scenario
scenario_outline: All y'all
examples: Examples
given: "*|Given y'all"
when: "*|When y'all"
then: "*|Then y'all"
and: "*|And y'all"
but: "*|But y'all"
name: Esperanto
native: Esperanto
feature: Trajto
background: Fono
scenario: Scenaro
scenario_outline: Konturo de la scenaro
examples: Ekzemploj
given: "*|Donitaĵo"
when: "*|Se"
then: "*|Do"
and: "*|Kaj"
but: "*|Sed"
name: Spanish
native: español
background: Antecedentes
feature: Característica
scenario: Escenario
scenario_outline: Esquema del escenario
examples: Ejemplos
given: "*|Dado"
when: "*|Cuando"
then: "*|Entonces"
and: "*|Y"
but: "*|Pero"
name: Estonian
native: eesti keel
feature: Omadus
background: Taust
scenario: Stsenaarium
scenario_outline: Raamstsenaarium
examples: Juhtumid
given: "*|Eeldades"
when: "*|Kui"
then: "*|Siis"
and: "*|Ja"
but: "*|Kuid"
name: Finnish
native: suomi
feature: Ominaisuus
background: Tausta
scenario: Tapaus
scenario_outline: Tapausaihio
examples: Tapaukset
given: "*|Oletetaan"
when: "*|Kun"
then: "*|Niin"
and: "*|Ja"
but: "*|Mutta"
name: French
native: français
feature: Fonctionnalité
background: Contexte
scenario: Scénario
scenario_outline: Plan du scénario|Plan du Scénario
examples: Exemples
given: "*|Soit|Etant donné"
when: "*|Quand|Lorsque|Lorsqu'<"
then: "*|Alors"
and: "*|Et"
but: "*|Mais"
name: Hebrew
native: עברית
feature: תכונה
background: רקע
scenario: תרחיש
scenario_outline: תבנית תרחיש
examples: דוגמאות
given: "*|בהינתן"
when: "*|כאשר"
then: "*|אז|אזי"
and: "*|וגם"
but: "*|אבל"
name: Croatian
native: hrvatski
feature: Osobina|Mogućnost|Mogucnost
background: Pozadina
scenario: Scenarij
scenario_outline: Skica|Koncept
examples: Primjeri|Scenariji
given: "*|Zadan|Zadani|Zadano"
when: "*|Kada|Kad"
then: "*|Onda"
and: "*|I"
but: "*|Ali"
name: Hungarian
native: magyar
feature: Jellemző
background: Háttér
scenario: Forgatókönyv
scenario_outline: Forgatókönyv vázlat
examples: Példák
given: "*|Ha"
when: "*|Majd"
then: "*|Akkor"
and: "*|És"
but: "*|De"
name: Indonesian
native: Bahasa Indonesia
feature: Fitur
background: Dasar
scenario: Skenario
scenario_outline: Skenario konsep
examples: Contoh
given: "*|Dengan"
when: "*|Ketika"
then: "*|Maka"
and: "*|Dan"
but: "*|Tapi"
name: Italian
native: italiano
feature: Funzionalità
background: Contesto
scenario: Scenario
scenario_outline: Schema dello scenario
examples: Esempi
given: "*|Dato"
when: "*|Quando"
then: "*|Allora"
and: "*|E"
but: "*|Ma"
name: Japanese
native: 日本語
feature: フィーチャ|機能
background: 背景
scenario: シナリオ
scenario_outline: シナリオアウトライン|シナリオテンプレート|テンプレ|シナリオテンプレ
examples: 例|サンプル
given: "*|前提<"
when: "*|もし<"
then: "*|ならば<"
and: "*|かつ<"
but: "*|しかし<|但し<|ただし<"
name: Korean
native: 한국어
background: 배경
feature: 기능
scenario: 시나리오
scenario_outline: 시나리오 개요
given: "*|조건<|먼저<"
when: "*|만일<|만약<"
then: "*|그러면<"
and: "*|그리고<"
but: "*|하지만<|단<"
name: Lithuanian
native: lietuvių kalba
feature: Savybė
background: Kontekstas
scenario: Scenarijus
scenario_outline: Scenarijaus šablonas
examples: Pavyzdžiai|Scenarijai|Variantai
given: "*|Duota"
when: "*|Kai"
then: "*|Tada"
and: "*|Ir"
but: "*|Bet"
name: Latvian
native: latviešu
feature: Funkcionalitāte|Fīča
background: Konteksts|Situācija
scenario: Scenārijs
scenario_outline: Scenārijs pēc parauga
examples: Piemēri|Paraugs
given: "*|Kad"
when: "*|Ja"
then: "*|Tad"
and: "*|Un"
but: "*|Bet"
name: Dutch
native: Nederlands
feature: Functionaliteit
background: Achtergrond
scenario: Scenario
scenario_outline: Abstract Scenario
examples: Voorbeelden
given: "*|Gegeven|Stel"
when: "*|Als"
then: "*|Dan"
and: "*|En"
but: "*|Maar"
name: Norwegian
native: norsk
feature: Egenskap
background: Bakgrunn
scenario: Scenario
scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario
examples: Eksempler
given: "*|Gitt"
when: "*|Når"
then: "*|Så"
and: "*|Og"
but: "*|Men"
name: Polish
native: polski
feature: Właściwość
background: Założenia
scenario: Scenariusz
scenario_outline: Szablon scenariusza
examples: Przykłady
given: "*|Zakładając"
when: "*|Jeżeli"
then: "*|Wtedy"
and: "*|Oraz"
but: "*|Ale"
name: Portuguese
native: português
background: Contexto
feature: Funcionalidade
scenario: Cenário|Cenario
scenario_outline: Esquema do Cenário|Esquema do Cenario
examples: Exemplos
given: "*|Dado"
when: "*|Quando"
then: "*|Então|Entao"
and: "*|E"
but: "*|Mas"
name: Romanian
native: română
background: Conditii
feature: Functionalitate
scenario: Scenariu
scenario_outline: Scenariul de sablon
examples: Exemplele
given: "*|Daca"
when: "*|Cand"
then: "*|Atunci"
and: "*|Si"
but: "*|Dar"
name: Romanian (diacritical)
native: română (diacritical)
background: Condiţii
feature: Funcționalitate
scenario: Scenariu
scenario_outline: Scenariul de şablon
examples: Exemplele
given: "*|Dacă"
when: "*|Când"
then: "*|Atunci"
and: "*|Și"
but: "*|Dar"
name: Russian
native: русский
feature: Функционал|Фича
background: Предыстория
scenario: Сценарий
scenario_outline: Структура сценария
examples: Значения
given: "*|Допустим"
when: "*|Если"
then: "*|То"
and: "*|И|К тому же"
but: "*|Но|А"
name: Swedish
native: Svenska
feature: Egenskap
background: Bakgrund
scenario: Scenario
scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario
examples: Exempel
given: "*|Givet"
when: "*|När"
then: "*|Så"
and: "*|Och"
but: "*|Men"
name: Slovak
native: Slovensky
feature: Požiadavka
background: Pozadie
scenario: Scenár
scenario_outline: Náčrt Scenáru
examples: Príklady
given: "*|Pokiaľ"
when: "*|Keď"
then: "*|Tak"
and: "*|A"
but: "*|Ale"
name: Serbian (Latin)
native: Srpski (Latinica)
feature: Funkcionalnost|Mogućnost|Mogucnost|Osobina
background: Kontekst|Osnova|Pozadina
scenario: Scenario|Primer
scenario_outline: Struktura scenarija|Skica|Koncept
examples: Primeri|Scenariji
given: "*|Zadato|Zadate|Zatati"
when: "*|Kada|Kad"
then: "*|Onda"
and: "*|I"
but: "*|Ali"
name: Serbian
native: Српски
feature: Функционалност|Могућност|Особина
background: Контекст|Основа|Позадина
scenario: Сценарио|Пример
scenario_outline: Структура сценарија|Скица|Концепт
examples: Примери|Сценарији
given: "*|Задато|Задате|Задати"
when: "*|Када|Кад"
then: "*|Онда"
and: "*|И"
but: "*|Али"
name: Turkish
native: Türkçe
feature: Özellik
background: Geçmiş
scenario: Senaryo
scenario_outline: Senaryo taslağı
examples: Örnekler
given: "*|Diyelim ki"
when: "*|Eğer ki"
then: "*|O zaman"
and: "*|Ve"
but: "*|Fakat|Ama"
name: Ukrainian
native: Українська
feature: Функціонал
background: Передумова
scenario: Сценарій
scenario_outline: Структура сценарію
examples: Приклади
given: "*|Припустимо|Припустимо, що|Нехай"
when: "*|Якщо"
then: "*|То"
and: "*|І"
but: "*|Але"
name: Uzbek
native: Узбекча
feature: Функционал
background: Тарих
scenario: Сценарий
scenario_outline: Сценарий структураси
examples: Мисоллар
given: "*|Агар"
when: "*|Агар"
then: "*|Унда"
and: "*|Ва"
but: "*|Лекин|Бирок|Аммо"
name: Vietnamese
native: Tiếng Việt
feature: Tính năng
background: Bối cảnh
scenario: Tình huống|Kịch bản
scenario_outline: Khung tình huống|Khung kịch bản
examples: Dữ liệu
given: "*|Biết|Cho"
when: "*|Khi"
then: "*|Thì"
and: "*|Và"
but: "*|Nhưng"
name: Chinese simplified
native: 简体中文
feature: 功能
background: 背景
scenario: 场景
scenario_outline: 场景大纲
examples: 例子
given: "*|假如<"
when: "*|当<"
then: "*|那么<"
and: "*|而且<"
but: "*|但是<"
name: Chinese traditional
native: 繁體中文
feature: 功能
background: 背景
scenario: 場景|劇本
scenario_outline: 場景大綱|劇本大綱
examples: 例子
given: "*|假設<"
when: "*|當<"
then: "*|那麼<"
and: "*|而且<|並且<"
but: "*|但是<"